San Diego, CA,
United States
Following the need to cancel much of the programming for the 2020 SOBP meeting due to the pandemic, the SOBP Council, 2021 Program Committee, and Executive Office have worked hard and creatively to prepare for the 2021 SOBP Meeting.
We had, of course, been looking forward to welcoming each of you to San Diego in April, but given the need to continue to protect ourselves, our families, and our communities, SOBP Council has decided to hold the 2021 SOBP meeting in a fully virtual format.
We are very fortunate that our partners at Parthenon Management have developed, and continue to improve, an outstanding environment for conducting very high quality, dynamic, and interactive virtual meetings.
I am confident that the 2021 SOBP Meeting will again offer exciting and innovative science, informative career development experiences, and enjoyable networking opportunities that have become the hallmarks of our annual meetings. In fact, some of the planned features of the 2021 virtual meeting are very likely to prove to be superior, for both presenters and participants, to past in-person meetings!
I hope that you plan to register for the 2021 SOBP Meeting (please note that fees have been substantially reduced given the lower costs of hosting a virtual meeting) and I look forward to joining you in this first SOBP virtual meeting.
Best wishes for restful Holidays and a healthy and exciting 2021!
David A. Lewis, MD
SOBP President