Welcome to CGEE
Clean and Green Energy is produced from sources that do not produce greenhouse gases. This form of energy is derived from renewable sources such as solar and air currents. While there are a variety of renewables for clean energy, each with their own unique challenges and needs to ensure they provide consistent power.
In order to provide a forum for researchers, practitioners, and professinals from the industry, academia and government to discourse on research and development, professional practice in the filed of clean and green energy engineering, the 2021 2nd International Conference on Clean and Green Energy Engineering will be held in Istanbul, Turkey during August 7-9, 2021. CGEE is organized by Journal of Clean Energy Technologies. The conference looks for original and high quality contributions related to clean and green energy engineering, including theories, methodologies, and applications.
Covid-19 Annoucement: Due to the ongoing influence of covid-19, it's acceptable for those participants who can't attend the conference because of the travel restrictions to present their papers online with reduced registration fee. In the meanwhile, the organizing committee will monitor the situation and the conference may be switched to fully virtual mode if necessary.
Meeting Venue
Event Webpage
Event contact
Conference Secretary: Jennifer Zeng
Tel.: +86-28-86512185 (Working Hour: GMT 10:00AM-5:00PM)
Email: cgeeiacsitp.com
Journal of Clean Energy Technologies
Detailed Information
About Publication
Submissions will be reviewed both by the conference technical committees and journal editorial board, and accepted papers will be published in international conference proceedings, which will be indexed by Scopus EI, etc.
Selected papers will be published into Journal of Clean Energy Technologies, which will be indexed by EI (INSPEC, IET), Electronic Journals Library, Chemical Abstracts Services (CAS), Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Google Scholar, ProQuest.
It's acceptable to submit your abstract to us for only oral presentation if you're not expecting any publication of your paper.